Oktoberfest - Munchen-style
The next day we were going to get food when we stumbled upon a second hand store that sold outfits for Oktoberfest. Normally the dirndels and lederhosen were about $100-$400 Euro new, but at the shop they were second hand and a lot cheaper, yes even in our price range! So we ended up spending a lot of time in the shop with a German lady who didn’t speak English, but just undressed and dressed us until we looked good in our new second-hand lederhosen and dirndel. That night we went to Oktoberfest with the crazy Aussies, but didn’t wear our costumes. They showed us their cocktail bar; yes, there is a cocktail bar at Oktoberfest (they didn’t like beer). Then we went into the beer tents until we found a waitress that would serve us. You can’t buy beer unless you are seated, but it is impossible to find a table, most are reserved way ahead of time. So you just have to find a waitress who is willing to sneak you beers, because she will get a tip out of it. So we stayed in the Haufbrau tent that evening and met lots of cool (drunk) people from all over
The next day we slept a lot, some more than others...as some felt better than others. We didn’t go back to Oktoberfest but went to the