Tuesday, October 31, 2006


We had three Trick-or-Treaters at our apartment. One of them was our next door neighbor’s kid, so that doesn’t really count; we were the only actual house they went to. We were really surprised considering we live in a pretty neighborhoody neighborhood, but Sheridan is weird about Halloween. They do this big event at the school, kids go to the elderly assisted living places in town, and I was told about “Truck-or-Treats” in designated parking lots where parents setup a tailgate neighborhood for kids to go through instead of real neighborhoods.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Engagement Notice

I have sent our engagement notice info twice to the person at the Press who does that stuff, but she still hasn’t done anything with it. My suspicions regarding this are as follows:

  • she won’t publish it because we normally don’t include anything about people who work at the Press because it could be considered as favoritism, but she could at least tell me if that’s the case, so I don’t think that’s it…
  • her email may not accept stuff from my site for some reason, but I don’t think that’s it because I sent it twice, once from my domain and once from Gmail…
  • she could have lost it; she could have lost it twice…
  • she could harbor some passive-aggressive feelings toward me for some reason and won’t publish it?

Anyway, it’s been months now, and I don’t really care anymore, so we’ll see how this all turns out with people at work, and if they ever will find out. Who knows what the future may bring on this one.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Our Garden is Dead

Uhm, neighbors? I think you’re garden’s dead.

This was the astute observation of the child of our neighbors. The garden is indeed dead. To recap, our garden contained:
- Leeks
- Potatoes (2 varieties)
- Cucumbers (3 varieties)
- Tomatoes (4 varieties)
- Honeydew Melons
- Garlic
- Pumpkins
- Zucchini

Sunday, October 8, 2006


The weather has gotten much colder, so we’ve naturally begun to close our windows. Such an action caries benefits and consequences:
- Benefit: lower heating bill
- Consequence: previously existing wireless connection cannot be picked up anymore

Sunday, October 1, 2006


Hurrah! It’s time for yearly raises here at The Sheridan Press. It was indeed a terrific raise that is really going to help, but still not enough to make up for Bea’s Americorp VISTA wages which work out to being somewhere around $6 an hour. We’re both getting more and more excited to eventually getting real jobs that have real benefits and wages. I’ve been told my healthcare plan now is pretty good, but it’s actually pretty poor compared to the stuff I had at Emerson which people there told me was on the low end of good health plans. Oh well, what can you do...