Saturday, June 30, 2007


For some reason this afternoon my thoughts turned to the man-purse. You know, the thing worn by metrosexuals and closeted men alike. What struck me is that years ago (as in days of y'ore) all guys had man purses because there was no paper money.




Monday, June 11, 2007

Saggy Barn Boy

This is the barn I working on now. It has a severe sag in it which is what we are here to fix.

Jeb got his F350 4x4 dump truck stuck in the mud this afternoon while trying to unload some huge 8x8 pressure treated beams. Ooops, tomorrow it will need to be towed.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bedford Village Inn - Barn Complete

The Bedford Village Inn job is finally complete after about a month's worth of work. That siding is cedar clapboards, not to be confused with vinyl or aluminum siding. Our next project will be a barn in Peterborough, NH.

This is the company / guy I work for.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Western Shirts vs. non-Western Shirts

Sometimes you think you're wearing a western snap-up shirt but when you go to pull the snaps apart you realize you've just ripped half the buttons off your non-western non-snap-up shirt because you're a cottonheaded ninnymuggins.

Monday, June 4, 2007

New Driver's License

I no longer have the "Minor until bla bla bla" red box around me, boy do I feel great. The line at the DMV was existant, but not horrible. I was there only a little longer than 30 minutes or so, 45 tops. I hear that's making pretty good time.

I brought my moustache wax with me and dolled myself up before I had my new photo taken. The handlebars are evident, but do not show up as prominently as I had hoped.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Apricot Ale

I brewed a hefeweizen tonight, but this is not a photo of it. This is a photo of our apricot ale which should be drinkable in about three weeks.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Native American Names

I was cleaning out my room and I found a scrap of paper from when I was working at the Press that contained names that I liked. The following are actual names of people in Crow Agency, MT (main city of the Crow Indian Reservation) that were in a legal publication:
  • Michael Bull Chief
  • Karen K. Big Hair
  • Rena He Does It
  • Ralph P. Good Luck
  • Juanita Crooked Arm
  • Thomas Medicine Horse
  • Viola American Horse
  • Emmett Other Medicine
  • G. W. Old Elk
  • Deanna Fire Bear
  • Agnes Deer Nose
Those names are way better than boring non-native American people names.