Saturday, May 30, 2009

Uncle Suprise v 1.2

Hot Dog Quiche
pronounced su:-pri:z (su-preez)

This is the third in the series of Uncle Suprises for Anna Rosemary Dahlen, Mike D helped me cook this bad boy up in Portland with some grilled leftovers from the brewery.

Here's the breakdown of the Uncle Suprise v. 1.2:
- grilled hot dog
- grilled chicken
- grilled peppers & onions
- bar-b-q sauce
- homemade pie crust (butter, flour, water, salt)
- beaten eggs
- milk

Related Delights:
Uncle Suprise v. 1.1
Uncle Suprise v. 1.0
Guy's Breakfast Hotdog Omelet

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For Insulin Only

Don't tell my mom, but I found this in our yard today. Welcome to my neighborhood. Really though, I don't think there's any cause for alarm, I'm fairly certain this sharp is for insulin only.