Wednesday, September 21, 2005


We took a bus to Tarifa and stayed from 9/19 - 9/21. Tarifa is the Southern most point of Europe, right where Africa and Spain kiss and the Gibraltar straight runs through. There is so much wind there, and the town is filled with all kinds of surfers and wind surfers who either visit or move there for the wind. When we got there we took a walk, and saw Africa as we were walking down the street. It was a very pretty town, there is ocean on both sides, the Mediterranean to your left and the Atlantic to your right. Anywhere you look there is ocean, and hills or rocky cliffs beside them. We were expecting to be stuck language wise, having just lost our trusty Spanish speaking friends, but it is surprisingly diverse. We read about a cool cafe/bookshop and went there to check it out and swap some books. When we got there we asked the gentleman taking our order, "Habla Inglés?" Well he just looked at us like we were stupid and said yes. We soon realized that him, and just about everyone in the café was speaking English, in fact they were either English or Australian. It seemed like that everywhere we went. There were a few times we had to attempt Spanish, but rarely. We checked out an old Moorish castle, and hung out on the beach. Oh, and the crackhouses there are actually beach front properties. (we stumbled upon one during a stroll along the beach. It may not have actually been a crackhouse, but it was sketchy indeed.) It was a great place to visit, beautiful and relaxing. We only wish we could have stayed longer, though we were both sunburnt enough as it was.


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