Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guy's Night - September '08

Guy's Night Dinner consisted of:
* Grilled Steak
* Baked Potatoes with Cheddar Cheese Sauce and Butter
* Steamed Brocoli with Cheddar Cheese Sauce
* Delerium Tremens Belgian Ale (BA review)

Whilst eating I watched the Yeah Right skate video and after dinner I watched Super Troopers for the first time. Good stuff.

"Do I look like a cat to you boy?
Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree?
Am I drinking milk from a saucer?"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Severe Weather my Foot!

So I have a little extension for Firefox which gives me a mini forecast of the current date as well as the upcoming days and also alerts me when so called "Severe Weather" is imminent. I find this to be a great little add-on for upcoming forecasts, like so I can be prepared for rain on my ride to work the following morning or something, but the "Severe Weather" alert system gets to me.

Whenever it pops up I am always inclined to check it out even though it's most always a disappointment. Take today's for example, I clicked on it and this is what I viewed:

Frost? That's nothing serious. It's not that I hope for a disaster whenever I click on that; I'm not a huge schadenfreude junkie, but I just expect something a little more consequential.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wait Just an Apple Pickin' Minute

Bea and I went apple picking today just outside of Portland at Snell's Family Farm. The trees were loaded with fruit, and by fruit I mean apples. I my prior apple picking experiences it's almost always been necessary to use the picking sticks to get apples, but that was not the case here. The trees were loaded with easy to pick apples that were accessible with human-sized arms. It made me think that all those orchards I've picked at in the Milford area let you do PYO after they (the farmers) have already picked all the easy ones and they leave you to do the hard work.

I must confess though, I really like using the picking sticks, not only are they fun, but they slow the process down and force you to really spend more time in the awesome orchard, and it makes it more of a challenge.

All in all we ended up with a 1/2 bushel of McIntosh(a favorite of mine) and a 1/2 bushel of Macoun.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pork meets Vegetarian

This is Bea and the pigs at Broadturn Farm. These bad larry's were just little piglets at the beginning of the summer, and now they're just bursting with real pork flavor. Bea thinks they're disgusting and awesome at the same time, which they are.

We visited the farm to help out with the Potato Dig. Every year they have CSA members come out and help dig up rows of potatoes (we're not members, but we come help anyway). Jon (one of the farmers) was telling me that they planted 5 different kinds of potatoes. The potatoes Bea and I were digging up were a purple variety. Now when I say purple I mean it. These are purple all the way through, not like red potatoes which are just red on the outside.

After the potato diggin', there was a nice big potluck dinner inside the barn. Hurrah!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Cambridge Destruction!

Mike setup his camera to take photos of Sara and Gabi's house being demolished and I stitched them together over the weekend at 10 fps - time lapse style. Pops liked it better at 6 fps, but that's too slow for my taste.

Right/Option Click Downloadables:
10 fps for Quicktime
6 fps for Quicktime