Monday, September 24, 2007

New Job

I am now an employee of the Keene Sentinel, the leading daily newspaper of Cheshire County. My capacity is Circulation Customer Service Representative. I'm sure it will be quite a different experience here compared to the Sheridan Press. Hopefully it will be as fun as the Sheridan Press, either way, the insurance here will be better and kick in sooner. Huzzah!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fryday is coming!

Friday, September 21st, 2007 will henceforth be known as FRYDAY.

This year's celebrants will include myself, brother James, brother Mike, and perhaps Chris. Said event will be to misuse the deep fryer give to us by Nicole Toledo at Beatrice's wedding shower and also to increase our levels of cholesterol.

We are starting to think of things to fry, from mundane to outlandish. If you can think of anything, worthwhile or not, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I need an eggbeater

I was taking a look at the recipe I had chosen for tonight's soup when I realized I was going to need an eggbeater to whip the heavy cream. Immediately I felt like a food because I had just been at a Salvation Army (in Swanzy, NH) that had around 10 old-timey eggbeaters that were less than $1 a piece and I neglected to purchase one. Going back now was out of the question because they were closed and I deemed it absurd to drive all the way back there to track down an eggbeater. So, I went to Target before mealtime running some errands and strolled by the kitchen appliances looking for an old timey eggbeater (hand crank), alas, the carry them not, then I continued on by the electric sort without any intention of purchasing one and that's when inspiration struck!

I raced home and with MacGyver-like skills crafted my life's masterpiece:

With two pairs of needle-nose pliers, and a single coat-hanger, I crafted a crude whisk. Note: we do not have a regular whisk.

Notice the "$5.00" price tag; this drill was one of our many great finds at the Sheridan, WY Salvation Army

Bea was at yoga while all this was going down, but I had everything completed by the time she returned, the soup was delicious, and she was none the wiser . . . until I told her after we ate. As I suspected she was somewhat concerned with the condition of the coat-hanger, but I assured her that it was a sound practice and cleanliness was my highest priority. She asked me if now we would keep the drill in the kitchen or with the tools; we haven't decided yet, but I think I will pick up a single beater attachment (if they have any) at the Salvation Army next time I'm there and then retire my flimsy, off-center, coat-hanger whisk.

The Recipe - Squash/Apple/Curry Soup with Horseradish Cream

Cook up this stuff:
* 2 tbsp. butter
* 1 onion, diced
* 2 tsp. curry power
* 3 3/4 c. vegetable stock
* 1 butternut squash, peeled, seeded & cubed
* 1 apple, peeled, cored & sliced
* 3/4 c. apple juice

Whip up this stuff:
* 1/4 c. heavy cream
* 2 tsp. horseradish
* 1/2 tsp. curry powder

Serve with cream on top. Delish.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

There's a hole in my apartment, dear Liza, dear Liza

Our landlord is in the process of re-shingling our apartment, which hasn't been a problem until yesterday. Yesterday it rained, and today it is raining more. Bea's quite upset with the leaking, but it's really not harming anything of ours, and there's little we can do about it. I actually think it's a bit comical the way I have been setting up cups, plates, cooking pots and pans, etc. to catch the drips, just like in the cartoons.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Marriage License

Bea and I applied for our marriage license yesterday in the hamlet of Northfield, MA which is the nearest town in Massachusetts from Keene, NH. To celebrate filing paperwork we had some ice cream.

The ice cream place has a pretty cool sign

On the drive back to Keene we noticed that the Town of Winchester will be having its annual pickle festival soon. You have no idea how excited I am. Bea's lucky it isn't the same date as our wedding.

Monday, September 3, 2007

I Love a Parade

"I love a parade" - Grams

Nothing quite like a Labor Day parade in Milford, NH with a presidential election on the horizon. This year we had the pleasure of entertaining the following high-to-do's:

* Mitt Romney
* Barak Obama
* Chris Dodd

My dad received a handshake from Obama, not because he's a supporter, but because who wouldn't want to shake the hand of a would-be president?

Romney's contingent was about the same size as Obama's, followed in size by Clinton's (not appearing), Dodd's, and lastly McCain's (also not appearing). There were some people walking around with "Rudy" posters and stickers, but nobody marching. Nothing of Edwards to speak of; however, when it comes to Labor Day I would rather more see old men in mini-cars driving around with earrings than more politicians.

Also, I find it inapropriate giving children stickers/signs/etc. with political messages that are beyond them. Similarly, the old gentleman from the nursing home who was sitting next to me with seemingly little to no concept of what is going on anymore shouldn't be plastered with 3 Hillary / McCain / Obama / Romney / whoever stickers. I find it somewhat exploitive in both cases.