Gingerbread House 2007
I spent far too much time building this gingerbread house on Christmas Eve this year. Bea's family teased me something awful for it, but no matter. It enabled me to hang out in the kitchen eating more than my fare share of candy and icing, so HA!
You'll notice the stick-gum clapboards, Mike & Ike masonry, mini-marshmallow smoke, Twizzler shingles, trim boards, and soffits.
This is my first gingerbread house since 1999 I think (replica of Milford, NH's First Congregational Church), wow, that's a lapse. I need to make sure and do another one next year. I would like to plan one out beforehand though so people can't tease me as much for taking so long because I'll have a plan.
A couple times as a kid, our mom would let us have gingerbread house making parties and we would be able to invite friends over. I think she used to measure out the supplies exactly so it would be fair for everyone involved. You know, each person gets 2 of each color of Skittles, M&Ms, and Smarties, one stick of Necco wafers, half a roll of Lifesavers, and a quarter cup of icing. NO EATING YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES!