Monday, July 21, 2008

First Harvest of 2008

Bea showing off our first zucchini and slicing cucumber of 2008

The fruit of our labor is ripening? Uhm... Well, anyway, yes, our vegetable garden has produced two pieces of produce so far, and we picked them both on Saturday morning - a zucchini and a slicing cucumber (the pickling ones are not ready yet). Hopefully this is the start of a busy picking season for us.

To be brief, we are excited.
To be less brief, we are very excited.

This is the meal we made tonight with some fresh goodies.

Zucchini Sweet Potato Frittata - from one of the Moosewood Cookbooks
* fresh zucchini from our garden
* fresh eggs from Bea's farm
* fresh garlic from Bea's farm
* sweet potato
* smoked mozzarella
* cream cheese
Totally delicious and unhealthy at the same time. The smoked mozzarella really makes this dish outstanding, so much that the cream cheese could probably be removed.

Stuffed Fried Zucchini Flowers - from one of the River Cafe Cookbooks
* zucchini blossoms from the farmers' market
* fresh basil leaves from our garden
* ricotta
These are fun. We'd been wanting to make them for a couple years but zucchini blossoms are hard to come by, and we haven't wanted to snip our own. Each flower is stuffed with a basil leaf and some ricotta then lightly battered and flash fried making a tasty treat.

We used our first cucumber last night in our special salad that we served with homemade tamales.


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